For some time now, we have been working on the ability to support multiple Clouds for the Galaxy on the Cloud platform with all of its requirements and system dependencies uniformly available; we have also been working on automating the process for deploying all the required cloud resoruce components. The results of this effort are captured in a paper titled "Building and Provisioning Bioinformatics Environments on Public and Private Clouds".
Simultaneously, we are continuing to collaborate on the topics of making Big Data technologies and existing solutions more accessible to the bioinformatics community. A paper titled "Cloudflow – A Framework for MapReduce Pipeline Development in Biomedical Research" represents a high-level framework to hide the implementation details of Hadoop and to provide a set of building blocks to create biomedical pipelines in a more intuitive way.
Both of these papers were published at MIPRO 2015 in Opatija, Croatia.